I am currently a transfer student from Walter State Community College in Morristown, Tennessee. I have now attend my first week of classes at ETSU in Johnson City, Tennessee. As being part of the Honors College, I was asked to start a blog as part of my Honors Collo class. I decided to do mine on what the Honor's College experience is for me and hallmark important things I do as part of the program. I hope my experience will help others decide to participate in the Honors Program at ETSU, or with your own college. I would like to start of by giving a brief history about me and my college experience so far. I am a non-traditional first generation college graduate. I received my Associates of Science in Business Management with a certificate of General Studies at Walters State Community College. I was President and A Five Star Member of Alpha Beta Iota of Phi Theta Kappa, Vice President of Kappa Beta Delta, member of Psi Beta, Treasurer of Word Up, Tennessee Promise Mentor, made the President's list twice and the Dean's List twice, and a Who's Who member for 2017. Looking back on the first end of my academic journey, I would have to say that I invest a lot of time. I also got a lot out of the adventure. I have grown beyond belief. I would have never thought that I would hold so many prestige positions. I was not even sure that I would make passing grades. Since I have three years under my belt, I can say it has made me the man I am today. I have had to grow not only on an intelligence level but also in my every day life. I have had to let go of friends that could not go where I am heading. Losing long term friends has been the hardest thing I have had to do up to this point.

All the time that I have invested in my schooling has paid of, with me being awarded admissions into the Midway Honors College here at ETSU. The work load is tough but I will make it through. I also was awarded the Midway Honors scholarship, which consist of a full tuition scholarship plus a $500 book allowance a semester. I am also eligible for a fifth semester of classes or a $2500 scholarship to study abroad. So if you are reading this, hard work and determination will pay off. Esp. when you decide not to take failure as failure, rather get up and turn that failure into a lesson learned and proceed to make your dreams come true. The smartest inventors in the world knew failure very well. Some would be laughed at by modern days standards however, we probably would not have life as easy as we have it today if they had just given up. I believe we are all designed to great things in our lives, some will never walk the road to reach their greatness. I hope my journey inspires you invest in yourself and take the leap of faith needed to become all you are intended to be! 


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