Week# 5 Honors college Experience Part II

On Wednesday September 27, 2017 I was ask by Alpha Beta Iota Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Walters State Community College in Morristown, TN. to be a quest speaker along side Karla Leybold from ETSU. Karla introduced the chapter to the Honors College and the programs we offer. I talked about the specifics of being a Midway Scholar recipient. I was glad to have done this because the of the feed back from the chapters advisor and president. I also offered my email and personal cell phone number for all students that was interested in becoming a Buccaneer. That way they have a direct link to someone that has been through the experience of transferring into the Honors College here at ETSU. This is one of many ways that I am able to give back freely, what has been freely given unto me. The meeting lasted an hour.


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