Week# 3

Today, September 13, 2017, I woke up feeling reflective. I decided to go and check out the Reese Museum on campus. I did not anticipate that the past would humble me. I love learning about the past. The history tells a lot about a person, a place, or a nation. Most of the museum that I was able to see today, showcased a lot of facts and the Holocaust. I found myself going from one piece of information to the next thinking that it could not get much worse. I can not believe that one race was able to make a thing like this happen. It remind me of many problems that our society faces today. It is not on the scale that the Holocaust was but it is very problematic. Our society has got away from thinking of others before their self. If one could just stop and think, regardless of one's religion, race, or sexually orientation we are all just individuals trying to make it through this thing called life. I must say, today has been a great day. I am so glad to have made it into the honors college here at ETSU. I did not think that it would have such a positive impact on my life. 


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