Week#5 Honors College Experience: What do I value?

on September 29,2017 our collo class had our meeting for the week. during this meeting we discussed what our values was and which of them was the most important to us as individuals in the world. I boiled the things I find valuable down to happiness and honesty. I choose these because I feel that in order to be of any good to any thing or any one, I must first be happy within myself so that can radiate outwards. Then I choose being honest because I think that if people would just be honest the world might be a better happier place. It seems that in todays society we are so quick to tell little white lies that appear to be harmless, and normally are, however this has made room for it to be not as big of a deal to tell more relevant lies, which do harm. It seems as though we are letting our standards fall. It makes me feel good to know that not only do I have great values but I also live by them. I am by no means perfect but I do strive to be as perfect as I can be. This is one of the main driving forces behind me starting college at such an older age than most traditional students do.


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