Semester II Week#12 Honors College Experience

On April 19 at 6 P.M. I was inducted to Tau Sigma. It was very nice to recognized for my hard work. I received my cords, membership pin, and a certificate of membership. I really like what this honor society stand for and the group of students it represents. Tau Sigma is an honor society for transfer students at four year universities. I knew from the time I talked to Dr. Jennifer Rice at Walters State during a transfer fair about this society. I made the grades last semester that qualified me as an inductee. After the induction ceremony they provided a reception. During the reception, Dr. Rice told me she wanted to speak with me after I got my food. I went and was informed that my interest to be the 2018-2019 Chapter President for Tau Sigma was awarded to me. Now I have the opportunity to make a difference in the next years student transfer body, as I will represent them as the society. I know it will involve hard work, determination, and perseverance. I have proven in my past, as President of the chapter of Phi Theta Kappa at Walters State, that I should put forth my best effort and make a difference at my school and my community. I look forward to all the possibilities this opens up to me. I have accomplished one my the goals that I set forth for myself in this Collo class at the beginning of the semester. I researched and joined an honor society but I also acquired a leadership role. Professor Hedden has really help me grow in throughout my college experience here at ETSU. I could not have asked for a better individual to guide me.  


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