Week#1 of the Honors College Experience

I attended the first meeting of the Adult Student Transfer Committee on Monday, August 28,2017. During this meeting the committee talked about various ways that administration could improve the transfer process. That would lead to a smoother transfer experience. Several programs was brought up that would make this mission a reality. The most common solution was more events that would connect transfer and incoming students together in a more tight fitting way. These ideas are in the process of being brought up to the Adult Transfer Committee and is hoping to be approved. This meeting was 1.5 hours long. I am using this time towards my 5 hours of volunteering for my Honors Collo requirements. This gave me an opportunity to meet and become more acquainted with faculty and administration here at ETSU. As I have learned, one never knows who can play an instrumental piece in your journey. It has also gave me a chance to be a voice for the student body. It pleases me to be a part of something that is bigger than me. 


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