Week# 13 Honors College Experience

This is the last week of the semester and feel like I need to reflect. Looking back on the semester, I can see personal growth towards achieving some of my life time goals. I want to finish my college education. As a transfer student, this was my first semester at a university. It was a hard transition for me to undertake. At times I have felt as though I am living a double life. My home life which consist of running a household and work, then there is my school life. It took me awhile to get to be comfortable in who am as a student here at ETSU. Now that I am in my groove again, I can see how sheer determination can carry you through to the end. During this time is when I had to decide to succumb to the stress or focus on just taking one day at a time. One project at a time. I can say that I have gave 100% of what I have. Very pleased with knowing that my thesis is going to be a lot of work as a whole, but when broken down over the reminder of the time left to finish it, it is not that taunting anymore. It is something I will accomplish. I just have to focus on todays task at hand and not let frustration run my life.


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