Semester II Week# 2 Honors College Experience

On January 31, 2018 I received an invitation to attend the info session for Phi Sigma Pi. This meeting lasted an hour. During the meeting the president of the chapter went over the questions of who, what, when, where, and why's of joining the Honor Society Coed Fraternity . I was excited about maybe being in my first fraternity. During the meeting I had to make a decision on if I would be able to fulfill the requirements of the organization. They hold weekly meetings, and attendance is mandatory. I felt as thought I would not be able to commit myself to these meetings as no one was able to ensure on what day of the week they would be on. I am only in Johnson City on Monday nights through Thursday at 5:35 p.m. I did not join, but I am looking for other honor societies that may better fit my busy schedule.


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